Our Monarch Waystations

Monarch Waystation sign

Monarch Watch created the Monarch Waystation program many years ago to provide guidance for creating habitat for monarchs and their migration as well as formal recognition for people who create this habitat.

Of course, you can create monarch habitat without certifying but certifying encourages others to do the same and provides a way to support the program by buying a sign.

Displaying a sign also increases awareness — key to protecting monarchs and their migration!

So far, as of August 2022 40,704 Monarch Waystation habitats have been registered with Monarch Watch. Here’s a registry of all the certified Monarch Waystations. Is yours one of them? If so, you’re welcome to add yours to this page to celebrate our CNY Monarch Waystations!

If you have a certified Monarch Waystation in Central New York and you’d like to be included in this list, contact info@hgcny.org. Send:

  • a photo
  • your Monarch Waystation number
  • a brief description
  • OPTIONAL: your name and/or location

Our CNY certified Monarch Waystations

Monarch Waystation

Monarch Waystation #581, certified in 2006
John and Janet Allen created this Monarch Waystation as part of Our Habitat Garden. It features LOTS of swamp milkweeds (Asclepias incarnata), some common milkweeds (A. syriaca), and a few of the orange butterflyweeds (A. tuberosa) as well as many native nectar plants.